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Fenway Park Engagement | Boston Engagement Photographer

They roamed around the same college campus, attended the same parties and passed each other in hallways. One night their paths crossed again, they fell into an easy friendship and then love blossomed.  It's been said that women possess certain characteristics that can make a man stop in his tracks.  Not literally, but in this unique way that draws him into her gravitational pull and circle her with adoration and intrigue. Stephanie is one of those girls. Just ask Eric. 

Stephanie wanted to make sure this was special for Eric. She claims he's the biggest sox fan. When she mentioned pictures by Fenway, I was all ears. A girl who wants to get on a plane and travel all the way to Boston for engagement photos for her guy, its easy to see why they make such a perfect couple. I made a few calls to some friends. I wanted... Or should I say required to have them inside the park for photos. 

The two stand on the visitors dugout.  Eric grips her tightly, dips Stephanie and softly kisses her on lips. A large group of young baseball players visiting the park cheer with excitement.  Stephanie returns upright with a huge loveable grin. The two waive at the baseball team embarassed. Eric tires on the the 2013 Red Sox World Series ring, Stephanie follows instinctively placing her engagement ring next to his.